Association of Strata Managers

The Association of Strata Managers (ASM) is a national association that protects the rights and safeguards the interests of strata managing agents in Singapore. Since its inception in December 2012, the ASM has remained committed to providing an interactive platform for strata management firms and property-managing agents in Singapore. To date, ASM represents 17 managing agent firms and more than 1000 Management Corporations across Singapore. For the committee at ASM Singapore, securing the rights and interests of all members remains the foundation of the Association.

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ASM Secretariat

Event Details

The 2 hr talk comprises a presentation and Q&A session which will cover the following topics:

 - Understanding Corruption

 - Offences under Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA)

 - Corruption Situation in Singapore

 - Cases of Interest

 - Corruption Red Flags

 - Anti-Corruption Measures

 - Learning Points

  • Programme is subjected to change

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